
Materials for talks and presentations I've given.

  • LSE Statistics Department (Jan 26 2022) “Generalised Bayesian Structural Equation Models” [slides]

  • JSM 2019, Denver (July 27 - Aug 1) Biopharmaceutical Section [poster]

  • Scipy 2018, Austin Texas (July 9-15 2018) (joint with Marianne Corvellec) “Should this Drug be Approved? A Bayesian’s Answer with Stan” [video] [slides]

  • ISBA World Meeting 2018, Edinburgh Scotland (June 24-29 2018) Session in “Modern Bayesian Methods in Clinical Trial Design and Drug Development” [video] [slides]

  • BAYES2018: Bayesian Biostatistics, Homerton College, University of Cambridge, (June 20-22 2018) “Bayesian modeling for benefit-risk balance analysis” [slides]

  • Poster Session Workshop on Data Science Theory and Practice, LSE (March 2018) [Workshop website]

  • StanCon, Asilomar (Jan 2018) “Case Study in Stan: Assessing the safety of Rosiglitazone for the treatment of type II diabetes” [slides] [video]

  • Social Statistics Seminar, LSE (Nov 2017)

  • Poster Session [Greek Stochastics] \iota, Milos, Greece (July 2017) [poster]